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Mini crystal tea set
Mother of Pearl small pocket knife
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Fossil: Shell. 154,573
Lord Clinton Perfect... 37,277
Native American Swor... 35,754
Victorian Chair 34,675
Copper, Leaf Shaped... 33,814


victorian_leg.jpeg Victorian Chair
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Victorian Tag on chair leg, floral pattern, armless parlor chair
34675 Fair n/a August 3, 2009 06:26
ii_026.JPG bow back chair
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dont know much its a bow back brace back chair maybe rode insland what do you think
29780 Great n/a August 26, 2008 21:45
chair11.jpg Bird's Eye Maple Chairs
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Originally procured back east in the 1920's or 1930's. No markings of name or year of manufacture. Been in the family for over 80 years. Interested to know of their value.
31162 Excellent n/a May 26, 2007 18:46
http://www.jasonsjunk.com/data/7/0-thumbH chair
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Upholstery is original Green w/silver flecks No tags Lady said it belonged to her parents back in the 1930's and was used as a bedroom chair
30082 Great $10.00 March 20, 2007 02:16
posted by Unregistered

Cast Iron (looks like a treddle or foot rest for barber chair) Ballard across it inside a frame. H.E. Ballard CAN is on the top
3932 Good n/a December 13, 1901 20:45
http://www.jasonsjunk.com/data/7/0-thumbi Carved wood chair
posted by Unregistered

Need info on this wood carved chair. It is 4 1/2 ft high and 18 inches wide. There is a carved stamp (shown above) on the back of chair. It is beautiful and I want to preserve ...
16190 Great $20.00 December 13, 1901 20:45
Antique Chair and Ottoman
posted by JoeyJohnson

No identification it it at all. I want to know what it is and what it’s worth. Pretty much the only way to find that out is by identifying the designs. Don’t kn ...
6962 Good n/a December 13, 1901 20:45
http://www.jasonsjunk.com/data/7/0-thumbD Antique Chair and Ottoman
posted by Unregistered

No identification on it at all. I want to know what it is and how much it’s worth. I think the only way to figure that out is by the designs on it. Don’t know it ...
13917 Good n/a December 13, 1901 20:45
http://www.jasonsjunk.com/data/7/29629-thumbI carved prayer, meditation or wedding chair/stool with bells
posted by lacygato

The chair belonged to my cousin's father. She is asking me for help identifying the chair and what she may be able to sell it for. As far as I can tell the chair is similar to ...
15114 Good n/a December 13, 1901 20:45
posted by GScott

Old chair looks like English "Windsor" any thoughts?
6591 Poor n/a December 13, 1901 20:45
http://www.jasonsjunk.com/data/7/27824-thumbI chair
posted by GScott

Old chair probably 1880s manufacture. found in house in NJ
14115 Poor n/a December 13, 1901 20:45
http://www.jasonsjunk.com/data/7/0-thumbI Chair from In-Laws
posted by Unregistered

Chair doesn't have any manufacturer mark that I can find. There is a restoration tag on it from Ace Upholstery in Los Angeles, CA from some time in the '80's by my grandmother ...
15363 Fair n/a December 13, 1901 20:45

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