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WW2 USN overseas hat insignia

Fossil: Shell. 154,572
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Victorian Chair 34,673
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011.JPG glass vases
posted by

I really have no clue what i have. There are no marking anywhere on the vases. They have no chips or cracks. I know there old.
28766 Excellent n/a August 8, 2009 20:14
100_4644.jpg Fred Koch's black horse ale goblets
posted by kryczko

6 inch glass goblets with Koch's black horse ale emblem on it
20007 Excellent n/a September 9, 2008 00:54
ornaments_013.jpg Very Unusual Glass Christmas Ornament
posted by Greg

Very unusual glass ornament with felt-like dancers applied to the front. The sides and back are covered with ornate painted designs and small colored crystals. There are also ...
14479 Good $40.00 July 13, 2008 18:05
glass_001a.jpg vase
posted by

no markings
24611 Good $5.00 March 3, 2008 16:54
glass_001.jpg Unidentified glass vase
posted by

5" high, 5" across top. No markings.
23488 Good $5.00 March 2, 2008 01:26
MahoganyCigarBox01.jpg Mahogany Milk Glass Cedar Lined Cigar Humidor Box
posted by jason

Mahogany Milk Glass Cedar Lined Cigar Humidor Box The box measures 11 1/4 inches long, 8 inches wide, and 4 1/2 inches tall. Original hinges are in good condition. Has a ...
20830 Great n/a October 17, 2005 16:36
0150.jpg Brown Glass Wine Bottle with Attached Leather Stopper
posted by jason

Brown Glass Wine Bottle with Attached Leather Stopper Bottle has a very old and yellowed piece of paper tied to the neck with string with "Blackberry Wine" handwr ...
18715 Great n/a September 23, 2005 13:52
0136.jpg Glass Butter Churn
posted by jason

Glass Butter Churn This butter churn stands 12" tall and the only markings on this is "2 qts." embossed on the side of the glass. Looking for any informatio ...
21081 Excellent n/a September 19, 2005 05:38
0125.jpg Decorative Glass Oil Lamp
posted by jason

Decorative Glass Oil Lamp Lamp is filled with red lamp oil, so the midsection that looks red is actually clear glass with white dots all around. The base of the lamp is wh ...
25226 Great n/a September 19, 2005 05:36
0111.jpg Miniature Glass Oil Lamp
posted by jason

Miniature Glass Oil Lamp Lamp is filled with red lamp oil, so in the bottom where it looks red, that is actually clear glass. This lamp stands 8 1/2" tall. I'm looki ...
25006 Excellent n/a September 19, 2005 05:31
68YYW_NECK.JPG Baby sailor
posted by k777lash

IN A GLASS COVERED DOME. 68YYW is marked on back of neck. What is the value?
20146 Excellent n/a December 13, 1901 20:45
100_1073.jpg German hand made wooden and bisque doll
posted by llandwil

Hand made wooden and bisque doll from germany. It was purchased in about 1950 in Ramstad, Germany from a man that said it was made by a Jewish man for his daughter before he w ...
15817 Good n/a December 13, 1901 20:45

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