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old coin silver opium box?
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Fossil: Shell. 154,573
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1009070547a.jpg Limited Eddition Handel Table Lamp
posted by

P.E.H. on one of the eight sides panels of shade. chandeliers grace the shade sides and baloons on the panels in the bottom. Both top and bottome light up seperate or together ...
28251 Excellent n/a December 22, 2007 21:20
0125.jpg Decorative Glass Oil Lamp
posted by jason

Decorative Glass Oil Lamp Lamp is filled with red lamp oil, so the midsection that looks red is actually clear glass with white dots all around. The base of the lamp is wh ...
25227 Great n/a September 19, 2005 05:36
0111.jpg Miniature Glass Oil Lamp
posted by jason

Miniature Glass Oil Lamp Lamp is filled with red lamp oil, so in the bottom where it looks red, that is actually clear glass. This lamp stands 8 1/2" tall. I'm looki ...
25006 Excellent n/a September 19, 2005 05:31
IMG-20110816-00018.jpg Please help identify this object!
posted by Unregistered

I wish I could tell you some basic information about this object but I honestly have no idea where it came from, I found it among some rubbish that had been fly tipped near my ...
21313 Excellent n/a December 13, 1901 20:45
IMG-20110816-00018.jpg Please help identify this object!
posted by WillCousins

Forgive the re-post, now I've made an account so can follow it more closely. I wish I could tell you some basic information about this object but I honestly have no idea wh ...
21467 Excellent n/a December 13, 1901 20:45
IMAG0206.jpg Tyndale Lamp
posted by Unregistered

Tyndale Rocking Elephant lamp. Love this find. Would love any info about it.
17749 Fair n/a December 13, 1901 20:45
IMAG0206.jpg Tyndale Lamp
posted by micjer65

Found this and fell in love. I did a little research and the brass lighting says Tyndale. Any info would be appreciated.
17536 Fair $15.00 December 13, 1901 20:45
cocacoladesklamp.jpg Coca-cola Desk Lamp
posted by littledango

Coca cola desk lamp. Still works. Found it at a garage sale.
18633 Excellent $5.00 December 13, 1901 20:45
048.JPG Pair of exquisite Lamps red handblown glass
posted by hollie

Absolutely gorgeous handpainted gold lamps with ornate enamelling and bronze,marble bases.They are a gorgeous deep red with etching.Possiblky moser unsure would love informati ...
20433 Excellent $500.00 December 13, 1901 20:45
photo_2.JPG Silver-metal Floor Lamp
posted by Laylamimi

60" Tall torchiere floor lamp purchased at a local vintage/antique shop in the Vancouver, BC area. Possible silver plated (had tarnished and been cleaned before). Shop wo ...
18448 Great $100.00 December 13, 1901 20:45
DSC09039.JPG unidentified glass fixture
posted by Unregistered

Can someone please help me figure out what this is? It looks like it might be a lamp base or some part of a light fixture... it has an interesting knotted rope detail. It does ...
17397 Fair n/a December 13, 1901 20:45
Lamp_A.jpg Underwriters' Labratories Portable Lamp Issue No. 97019 Pot belly Stove table lamp
posted by Unregistered

only identifying mark or tag is a sticker on the switch piece that says "Underwriters' Laboratories Inc. Portable Lamp Issue No. 97019" It appears to be brass or pai ...
21336 Good n/a December 13, 1901 20:45

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