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Need Help Identifying! Post measures 30" tall, & has a 6"x6" footprint
Adams and Eastlake fixture?
can anyone identify this fire/stove c.1940s-1950s? Torglow?
Stone Egyptian Horus birds

Fossil: Shell. 154,497
Lord Clinton Perfect... 37,211
Native American Swor... 35,598
Victorian Chair 34,409
Copper, Leaf Shaped... 33,669


http://www.jasonsjunk.com/data/2/0-thumbF Unknown old glass lamp
posted by Unregistered

I do not know anything about this lamp. It was in my parents storage unit and my dad does not recognize it.
6216 Excellent n/a December 13, 1901 20:45
http://www.jasonsjunk.com/data/2/24701-thumbI Bronze candle pendant lamp
posted by CherylWoodcock

I would like to identfy the age, style, and value of this piece. It came with our house which was built in 1909. The bottom portion unscrews to access a candle to provide li ...
8157 Great n/a December 13, 1901 20:45
http://www.jasonsjunk.com/data/2/0-thumbI What is it
posted by Unregistered

7643 Excellent n/a December 13, 1901 20:45
http://www.jasonsjunk.com/data/2/0-thumbI Weird chandelier
posted by Unregistered

Can anyone tell me anything about this really cool chandelier? It's brass and looks like it was originally gas or oil. All the little "critters" come off are numb ...
8494 Good $60.00 December 13, 1901 20:45
http://www.jasonsjunk.com/data/2/27594-thumb2 can anyone identify this fire/stove c.1940s-1950s? Torglow?
posted by redshoes1

Hello, I am trying to identify a fire/stove which I think may be the Torglow. I have a time frame of late c1930s to c1950s. If anyone recognises the name/brand/manufacturer of ...
8656 Good n/a December 13, 1901 20:45
AntiqueDoor2Mail.jpg Small carved door?
posted by Unregistered

Found under stairwell in resale shop in Indio, CA. Does anyone know anything about this? If door, what did it go on? Where from? Thank you.
7706 Great $15.00 December 13, 1901 20:45
http://www.jasonsjunk.com/data/2/0-thumb2 Aztec Plate
posted by Unregistered

Is this worth anything? Mrsstephanielgregory@gmail.com
6179 Excellent n/a December 13, 1901 20:45
http://www.jasonsjunk.com/data/2/0-thumbs Stone Egyptian Horus birds
posted by Unregistered

These stone birds were actually found when a lawn decoration fell over and broke. The lawn decoration that got broken was a simple squirrel.... nothing special. The birds are ...
7103 Fair n/a December 13, 1901 20:45
http://www.jasonsjunk.com/data/2/30538-thumbs stone egyptian birds
posted by kristy1213

These birds were actually found when a lawn decoration fell over and broke. They had been glued or epoxyed inside of the lawn decoration. The one that fell over and broke was ...
7127 Fair n/a December 13, 1901 20:45
http://www.jasonsjunk.com/data/2/30543-thumbP The Charles Parker Company Candelabra value
posted by rch105

I have a pair of electric "The Charles Parker Company" brass 2 stick candelabras. They measure 11 3/4" high w/o bulbs and 13" high with bulbs. They are 7 ...
6910 Great n/a December 13, 1901 20:45
http://www.jasonsjunk.com/data/2/0-thumbi Plaque
posted by Unregistered

Cast iron plaque with number 1877 on it and 215 on the back side. Found near railroad track in Webster City, IA.
8330 Good n/a December 13, 1901 20:45
http://www.jasonsjunk.com/data/2/31008-thumb2 Iron Pulley "Draft/Check"
posted by natingrid

Iron, likely cast iron, fixture attached to door frame in historic home (built 1906) in Grand Rapids, MI. It looks like the piece used to have a rope running through it, com ...
6370 Excellent n/a December 13, 1901 20:45

Unknown old glass lamp
Bronze candle pendant lamp
What is it
Weird chandelier
can anyone identify this fire/stove c.1940s-1950s? Torglow?
Small carved door?
Aztec Plate
Stone Egyptian Horus birds

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