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Money clip
Royal memoriam king Edward VII publication May 14th 1910
Munich summer Olympics 1972 medallion

Fossil: Shell. 153,909
Lord Clinton Perfect... 36,485
Native American Swor... 34,205
Victorian Chair 33,084
Copper, Leaf Shaped... 32,502


0034.jpg Space Shuttle Columbia Thermal Tile, Encased in Lucite
posted by jason

Lucite display contains an actual flown piece of thermal tile taken from the space shuttle Columbia. It measures 3.75" x 4.75" and is just over 1" thick. Th ...
19643 Excellent n/a September 22, 2005 14:41
copper and pot metal
posted by redoakrowdy

Item was a Navy man's yard sale, no telling where it may have come from. Found in Georgia
3591 Excellent $1.00 December 13, 1901 20:45
http://www.jasonsjunk.com/data/32/0-thumbi Porter Chalice Sword crossed with Crucifix.
posted by Unregistered

Porter chalice 7'' tall, 3.5"" at lip and base. Give to ny mother by an old Freemason who would hit on my mom at her antique shop.
9050 Good n/a December 13, 1901 20:45
http://www.jasonsjunk.com/data/32/19551-thumbi US American Eagle Seal Solid Brass 2 pieces possible die?
posted by jologu1307

The only unique characteristic of the seal is the arrangement of the 13 stars in two rows instead of the more common circle
8732 Good n/a December 13, 1901 20:45
http://www.jasonsjunk.com/data/32/0-thumbD Christopher Columbus Pewter Ewer
posted by Unregistered

A tall pewter ewer featuring "Christoph Columbus" on one side and the Santa Maria on the other. Goose spout with moderate indent on one side but otherwise very nice ...
8112 Great $30.00 December 13, 1901 20:45
http://www.jasonsjunk.com/data/32/20471-thumb1 Constabulary hat
posted by William4567

I bought this hat at the same place I bought a large glaze pottery basin. It says norfork constabulary on the front badge.
7413 Fair $0.50 December 13, 1901 20:45
http://www.jasonsjunk.com/data/32/0-thumb2 Family item from Dr Armantrout
posted by Unregistered

This item was included with my husbands family heirlooms. His grandfather was a doctor. Not sure if this was a medical item used in his office or what it could have been used ...
7876 Good n/a December 13, 1901 20:45
http://www.jasonsjunk.com/data/32/0-thumbi Munich summer Olympics 1972 medallion
posted by Unregistered

This medallion is 80mm diameter , thick and heavy , has the same design on one side as the Olympic silver medal , and the other side an enlarged version of the 1972 commemorat ...
8254 Great n/a December 13, 1901 20:45
http://www.jasonsjunk.com/data/32/0-thumbi Firefighters Certificate 1917
posted by Unregistered

This was my Great Gradfathers Firefighter Certificate from New York City in 1917
7432 Poor n/a December 13, 1901 20:45
http://www.jasonsjunk.com/data/32/21292-thumbi Firefighters Certificate 1917
posted by Ladybug

My Great Grandfathers Firefighters Certificate from New New York City York City in 1917
7417 Fair n/a December 13, 1901 20:45
http://www.jasonsjunk.com/data/32/0-thumb1 76 hunk of silver
posted by Unregistered

No markings
7152 Good n/a December 13, 1901 20:45
http://www.jasonsjunk.com/data/32/0-thumbi Printed block, title on envelope where found "block of Bp Patteson"
posted by Unregistered

I've recently been clearing out my grandfathers old house since he passed away a few weeks ago and while shuffling through some old files I came across this. I have no idea wh ...
8084 Good n/a December 13, 1901 20:45

Space Shuttle Columbia Thermal Tile, Encased in Lucite
Porter Chalice Sword crossed with Crucifix.
US American Eagle Seal Solid Brass 2 pieces possible die?
Christopher Columbus Pewter Ewer
Constabulary hat
Family item from Dr Armantrout
Munich summer Olympics 1972 medallion
Firefighters Certificate 1917

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